Hope your week is off to a great start! I wanted to briefly update all of you on a new feature to the website.
Recently, I received a wonderful photo of what I now understand was a hybrid palm species. I had mislabeled the species, and our gracious and patient member explained that the specific photo that had been contributed was a hybrid. Other than x Butyagrus nabonnandii, aka Mule Palm, we do not have any hybrid palm species listed on our website. That is about to change.
Starting today, when a member uploads a photo and identifies it as a hybrid palm species, it will be added using the following naming convention:
Hybrid within the same genus: "genus female species 1 x male species 2"
Hybrid across two genera: "genus 1 female species 1 x genus 2 male species 2"
You will see the home page now includes this hybrid palm species. For those of you who have uploaded hybrid species photos in the past, I will review, edit and make corrections as appropriate.
As is probably quite evident now, I am not a botanist. I researched several botany websites online and found this method to be the most consistent and up to date. If any member disagrees with this assessment, please let me know. Otherwise, as you share your wonderful hybrid photos, I will use your descriptions and follow the above process. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks again for being a member of Project Palm!