Pinanga sylvestris

Chocolate Cane Palm

Country Of Origin


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About Pinanga sylvestris

In habitat, this species is an understory palm found in cooler rainforests. It is a clustering palm with slender reddish brown stems. Its crown has numerous long pinnate leaves with fine leaflets. New leaves emerge with a pink hue before turning to red, then finally a deep green color. The branched inflorescence often hangs downward, but is sometimes erect. The small, fruit is shaped like an ellipsoid and turns red when fully ripe.

Climate Zone 9b
Min Temp 25 to 30 degrees F
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 20 Ft / 6 M
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Conservation Status
Least Concern

Cultivation Tips

Select a sheltered location that receives full to partial shade and indirect sunlight, particularly when young. Plant in rich soils with excellent drainage. Water regularly, ensuring soil does not dry out in between waterings. It is somewhat cold tolerant and can handle light frosts. Feed regularly during the growing season with a high quality palm fertilizer.

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