Archontophoenix myolensis

Myola King Palm

Country Of Origin


Australia map image

About Archontophoenix myolensis

This is a solitary palm with a green to gray trunk that is smooth, becoming fissured with age. It has a striking blue-green crownshaft. Its crown its topped with 9-12 leaves, each reaching 4 meters long with whitish undersides to leaflets. Given it's small natural range, it is one of the rarest and most endangered species of the genus in its natural environment.

Climate Zone 10a
Min Temp 30 to 35 degrees F
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 66 Ft / 20 M
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Conservation Status

Cultivation Tips

Plant in a location that receives full sun to partial shade. While this species can tolerate a wide range of soils, it will thrive if soil includes rich potting mix and has good drainage. Water regularly and worth noting that while it can tolerate standing in water during the warmer months, it's important not to allow this to happen over the winter months when watering should be reduced. Apply a high quality palm fertilizer regularly during the growing season.

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