Adonidia dransfieldii

Country Of Origin


Malaysia map image

About Adonidia dransfieldii

This species is recently discovered and scientifically described in 2015. It is a solitary palm species with a slender trunk ringed with leaf scars. Its crownshaft is pale green to yellow-green. The crown is topped with large pinnate leaves which are upright and curved at their tips. The branched inflorescence emerges below the crownshaft. When in bloom it has both green and white flowers. The small oval shaped fruit turns bright red as it ripens. It is considered critically endangered in its natural habitat.

Climate Zone 10b
Min Temp 35 to 40 degrees F
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 23 Ft / 7 M
Growth Rate Fast
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered

Cultivation Tips

Plant in a location that receives partial shade. As it matures, it can handle full sun. Plant in rich soil that is well-drained. Water regularly to ensure soil does not dry out in between watering. Fee regularly during the growing season with a high quality palm fertilzer.

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