Acrocomia crispa

Cuban Belly Palm

Country Of Origin


Cuba map image

About Acrocomia crispa

This species is a spiny palm, with a trunk that is slender at the base, but swollen in the middle, hence its common name. The spines fall from trunk when mature. The crown is topped with arching leaves, up to 2.5 m. long. Leaves are dark green on top, pale blue-green on the underside. Even the inflorescence is thorny. Fruit is an orange-yellow color when ripe.

Climate Zone 10a
Min Temp 30 to 35 degrees F
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 49 Ft / 15 M
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Conservation Status
Not Evaluated

Cultivation Tips

Plant in a location that is sunny and has soil that well drained. Water regularly. Grows slowly as a juvenile, but as it matures, the growth rate increases. Take precautions as the trunk is heavily armored with spines. This species is tolerate drought and thrives in alkaline soils when mature enough. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during growing season.

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