Acrocomia aculeata

Coyol palm

Country Of Origin


Brazil map image

About Acrocomia aculeata

This is an elegant yet imposing species whose use as an ornamental palm is partly limited by the dangerous spines on its trunk. The pale, gray trunk is covered with numerous slender, black, viciously sharp long spines. The crown is topped with dense pinnate leaves with numerous slender leaflets. The petioles of the leaves are also covered with spines.

Climate Zone 10a
Min Temp 30 to 35 degrees F
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 30 Ft / 10 M
Growth Rate Fast
Conservation Status
Least Concern

Cultivation Tips

Plant in a location that receives full sun and is given ample space from children, given the spines on its trunk. While it is fairly drought tolerant, it makes a much more attractive specimen with adequate water. It is tolerant of many soils and conditions, but will not handle shady locations. It prefers well-drained soil and can grow in nutritionally poor soil. It grows best in tropical, subtropical areas and marginally warm temperate climate zones. Feed occasionally during the growing season with a high quality palm fertilizer.

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