Sabal rosei
Sabal rosei
Sabal rosei Sabal rosei
Climate Zone 9a
Min Temp 20 to 25 F / -7 to -4 C
Leaf Type Costapalmate
Height 20 Ft / 6.1 M
Growth Rate Slow
Conservation Status
Least Concern

Sabal rosei

Llanos Palmetto


  • 4 inch

About Sabal rosei

This little known palm hails from Mexico's west coast, where it can be found in tropical deciduous forests to 2,500' elevation from Culiacan south to Guadalajara. The trunk is thick and fibrous, with a distinctive diamond-shaped pattern. The tree produces small, yellow flowers that are followed by black berries. This species is considered hardy and tolerant of a wide range of conditions, making it a popular choice for landscaping in warm climates.

Cultivation Tips

It can be successfully cultivated in nearly any climate, from temperate to tropical; it tolerates some drought; looks good even under coastal exposure; and will tolerate quite serious frosts. Feed occasionally during the growing season with a high quality palm fertilizer.