Sabal etonia
Sabal etonia
Sabal etonia
Sabal etonia Sabal etonia Sabal etonia
Climate Zone 9a
Min Temp 20 to 25 F / -7 to -4 C
Leaf Type Costapalmate
Height 9 Ft / 3 M
Growth Rate Slow
Conservation Status
Not Evaluated

Sabal etonia

Scrub palm


  • 3 gallon

About Sabal etonia

Native only to Florida in the United States, this species is found predominantly in sandy areas of its lake region. These palms have an underground stem that can grow up to 6 ft tall with four-seven fan-shaped fronds containing 30–50 leaflets each.

Cultivation Tips

This species is tolerant of a wide range of conditions. Select a location that receives full sun to partial shade. Plant in well-drained sandy soil. It can grow in nutrient poor soils or soils as well. It is very drought tolerant so it does not require any supplemental water once established.  Feed occasionally with a high quality palm fertilizer.