Sabal causiarum
Sabal causiarum
Sabal causiarum
Sabal causiarum Sabal causiarum Sabal causiarum
Climate Zone 9a
Min Temp 20 to 25 F / -7 to -4 C
Leaf Type Costapalmate
Height 50 Ft / 15 M
Growth Rate Moderate
Conservation Status

Sabal causiarum

Puerto Rican Hat Palm


  • 4 inch
  • 1 gallon
  • 3 gallon

About Sabal causiarum

This species is one of the taller species in its genus. It is a solitary palm with a stout, smooth gray trunk. The crown is topped with a dense canopy of up to 40 leaves. The leaves are deep green in color and are deeply divided to about half their length into several segments which may droop at the ends. Unlike other species in its genus, as the older leaves turn brown and die off, they all off. Many Sabals tend to retain a skirt of old leaves that cover the trunk. The inflorescences are long, arching and branched. The flowers are creamy white. The small round fruit turns black as it ripens.

Cultivation Tips

Select a location that receives full sun to partial shade, even when young. Plant in rich, well drained soil. Fairly simple to maintain and grow. One of the faster growing species of its genus. It is slightly less cold tolerant than other Sabals. Feed occasionally during the growing season with a high quality palm fertilizer.