Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa
Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa
Climate Zone 9a
Min Temp 20 to 25 F / -7 to -4 C
Leaf Type Costapalmate
Height 13 Ft / 4 M
Growth Rate Slow to Moderate
Conservation Status
Not Evaluated

Rhapis excelsa

Lady Palm


  • 1 gallon

About Rhapis excelsa

This species forms a dense clump of slender, upright, bamboo-like canes with palmate, deep green deeply divided, fan-shaped leaves. A unique feature is the saw-toothed leaf-ends. Due to its ease of care and low light requirements, it has become a popular choice as an interior palm. This species produces a small inflorescence at the top of the plant with spirally-arranged, fleshy flowers containing three petals fused at the base. Ripe fruit are fleshy and white.

Cultivation Tips

This species is one of the easiest and most popular palms to grow indoors because it’s extremely tolerant of low-light conditions. It grows best in bright, indirect light to low-light environments. Avoid overwatering and allow the top half of the soil to dry out in between waterings. Feed every other month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer