Beccariophoenix fenestralis
Beccariophoenix fenestralis
Climate Zone 10b
Min Temp 35 to 40 F / 2 to 4 C
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 49 Ft / 15 M
Growth Rate Slow
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered

Beccariophoenix fenestralis

Giant Window Palm


  • 1 gallon
  • 3 gallon

About Beccariophoenix fenestralis

This species is unique in that young leaves display windows in the distal position of the leaf blade. Another distinctive feature of this palm is that the leaflets unfurl as they emerge from the bud so no spear leaf is ever apparent on this palm. 

Cultivation Tips

Plant in a location that receives full sun to partial shade. This species thrives in humid environments and grows well in most, well drained soil.