Areca vestiaria - orange
Areca vestiaria - orange
Areca vestiaria - orange
Areca vestiaria - orange
Areca vestiaria - orange Areca vestiaria - orange Areca vestiaria - orange Areca vestiaria - orange
Climate Zone 10a
Min Temp 30 to 35 F / -1 to 2 C
Leaf Type Pinnate
Height 15 Ft / 4.6 M
Growth Rate Moderate to Fast
Conservation Status
Data Deficient

Areca vestiaria - orange

Orange Collar Palm


  • 4 inch
  • 1 gallon
  • 3 gallon

About Areca vestiaria - orange

Rare and exotic palms that is notable for its stunning bright orange crownshaft. It has a single smooth trunk ringed with old leaf scars. Occasionally, it will form stilt roots. The crown is topped with dark green, arching leaves, that grow on unarmed, yellow to orange stems. During the summer, it produces small yellow-orange flowers that grow in clusters on a short inflorescence, emerging at the base of the crownshaft. The edible fruit turns from light brown to light orange to deep orange or maroon as it ripens.

Cultivation Tips

It is a shade-loving palm that requires frequent moisture, indirect sunlight and high humidity. It prefers moist soils that are well-draining though it can tolerate most soil types. They prefer a sheltered, consistently moist and humid location, with more shade in less humid environments. Feed several times during the growing season with a high quality palm fertilizer.